Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dow - Sub-wave vi in progress

If Dow can hold above the lower trend line :

As shown above, sub-wave v has been completed and sub-wave vi is in progress. It will be followed by sub-wave vii, viii and ix.

However if Dow were to drop below the lower trend line as shown below.

Then wave (vii) has only five sub-waves as shown above, wave (viii) will have a 8% to 10% pullback.

For Bursa Malaysia

It is possible that the Composite Index is forming a diagonal major wave (V). The index is currently at the end of its wave 3. The next pullback will be the wave 4. Wave 5 is expected to end in 2014.

 In Iceland

Oh No, they eat this cute little bird 
called Puffin in Iceland !!!
I am not joking.


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