Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Contrast.


Last Wednesday, Prime Minister, Julia Gillard stunned voters by announcing a national election for September 14, eight months away.

Election must be held by the end of the year, but Gillard said,

"It is not right for Australians to be forced into a guessing game, and it's not right for Australians to not face this year with certainty and stability."

"So in the interest of certainty, in the interest of transparency, in the interest of good governance, I have made the date clear."


The Malaysian Prime Minister said last Saturday,

"I know when to see the Yang di Pertuan Agong to ask for the dissolution of Parliament and there is no need to “jolok” (pester) me on when the 13th general elections will be held."

Under the Constitution, Malaysian Parliament’s five-year tenure of the  present 12th Parliament will end on April 27, 2013.

PSY may be able to help in fixing  the election date when he is performing in Penang next Monday (Feb 11) at BN's Chinese New Year open house at Han Chiang High School Field.


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