Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

I was told recently by a friend that Valentine's Day was originated hundreds of years ago in Punjab ..........

In those olden days the Punjabi men used to mistreat and disrespect their wives (Punjabans). One fine day, it happened to be the 14th day of February, one brave Punjaban, having had enough 'torture' by her husband, finally chose to rebel by beating him up with a Velan (rolling pin) that she used daily, to make chapattis for him.

This was a momentous occasion for all Punjabans, just like the 'Jasmine Revolution', this 'Velan Revolution' soon spread like wild fire, with thousands of Punjabans beating up their husbands with Velan.

The Punjabi men quickly learnt their lesson and started to behave and gave more respect to their Punjabans, especially on 14th February. Soon the Punjabi men realised that in order to avoid this ordeal and to please their wives .... they brought flowers and sweets as gifts to their wives. Hence the tradition began and the 14th February was called 'Velan Time' day. The ritual soon spread to Britain and other Western countries by the East India Company.

In their foreign tongues, it was first anglisised to 'Velantime' and then to 'Valentine'. And thereafter, 14th of February, came to be known as Valentine's Day.


For Wikipedia's version of the Valentine's Day

Click 'Saint Valentine's Day'.


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