Monday, February 11, 2013

Email from Denmark

Little Mermaid

I went to the Little Mermaid which everyone said was overrated. I was pleasantly surprised.

Maybe it was the lighting, or the fact that it wasn't very crowded.

I thought when I looked at her that she is really lonely and sad. I mean, her face wasn't made to look like she was crying or anything like that.

The person who casted her managed to create this aura of sadness and loneliness.

At the same time, she is so small and fragile looking. For a sculpture to evoke this emotion, I think is quite something.

Danish Pastry

The best moment in Denmark, I must say, is the time I sank my teeth into this Danish pastry. 

I just randomly picked a pastry with some chocolate at Baresso (something like a Danish Starbucks) and a cup of cappuccino. 

But when I bit into it - wah ..... it was buttery, not too oily; crispy, not too flaky, and it was interlaced with cinnamon and sugar with a cavity filled with cool custard, and drizzled with chocolate.

In one bite, I tasted chocolate, custard, vanilla, butter, cinnamon and sugar. It was like nothing I've tasted before and I don't think I will ever have another pastry of its equivalence. Then I sip my coffee. Then, I take another bite. Wah, and then I sip my coffee. Then, I remembered - must take photo, my half eaten Danish.

Really, it doesn't look like much, deceptively ordinary, something that may even be considered as a lookalike to things that you may find somewhere else. But within this ordinary looking Danish lies the excellent taste and remarkable cleverness that push this Danish beyond the normality of things we called puff pastry found worldwide.

Later on, I found out that this pastry is called 'Direktorsnegl', which translates to 'Director Snail'. I was rather amused because the pastry shell is crispy rolled up like a snail's shell, and the cool custard inside must be the gooey snail.


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