Monday, January 28, 2013

The Oeko Report - Environmental Evaluation on Lynas LAMP Plant near Kuantan

The tax-payers have to come up with their own money to finance an in-depth study that rightfully should be carried out by the Government before approving the Lynas LAMP plant near Kuantan.

Oeko-Institut is a leading European research and consultancy institute working for a sustainable future. Founded in 1977, Oeko-Institut is a non-profit association in Germany. They complete approximately 300 projects each year covering the subjects of Chemicals Management and Technology Assessment, Emission and Ambient Pollution Control, Radiation Protection, Nuclear Engineering and many other environment related subjects.

The author of this report is Gerhard Schmidt.

 Findings on the Water Leach and Purification (WLP) waste's radioactive content.

Their opinions on WLP waste re-used

Comments on the Residue Storage Facility (RSF).

On Emissions from the plant.

Click 'Oeko Report' to view the full report.


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