Monday, December 3, 2012

Dow - A quick Update

I am still talking about a super wave VII.

The question remains the same.
Has Dow completed its mega wave 1 of super wave VII ?

The answer is 'NO' if the major wave (5) has 9 waves - wave (i) to wave (ix). Dow has just completed wave (vi), it is forming the wave (vii) currently as shown below - Possibility 1.

The answer is 'YES' if Dow starts to move lower in the next few days and goes below its November 15's closing level of 12,542 as shown below - Possibility 2.

I got to keep an eye on the 12,542 level.

For Bursa Malaysia, the main question is
"Can BN win the coming General Election ? "
If the answer is "YES" - Everything will be OK if Dow is OK.
If the answer is " NO" - Then the next question is whether BN will step down peacefully.
If the answer is "YES" - Everything will be OK if Dow is OK.
If the answer is " NO" - May God bless you.



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