Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Mayan Calendar

Another 2 days, on 21st December, one full cycle of the Mayan Long Count Calendar that consists of 13 bak'tuns, will come to an end. It is a 5125 years cycle.

In the Mayan's "story of creation (of the universe)", the current 13 bak'tun is the 4th "creation" and it will end on 21st December. The 5th creation will start on 22nd December, 2012.

The terms used by the Mayan in their time recording were kin (days), winal (month), tun (year), k'tun and bak'tun. One theory considered the completion of 13 bak'tun as the completion of 1 cycle of the Long Count Calendar.

The current cycle was started on 12th August, 3114BC.

It is interesting to note that 1 tun (1 Mayan's year) = 20 kins (day) x 18 winals = 360 days. To convert Mayan's year to our solar year, one needs to use a multiplier of 360/365.242.

1 Long Count cycle of 13 bak'tun = 13x20x20 tun =13x20x20x360/365.242 year. That is about 5125 years.

To learn more about the Mayan calendar, click 'Long Count'.

What is the significant of such an event, the completion of a grand cycle of 13 bak'tun?  I don't know.

A search on '2012 prophecies' will get somethings like earth's polar shift, solar flares, galactic alignment and many more.

But, don't worry lah, nothing will happen. It is going to be another beautiful day on 22nd December.

Life is so beautiful !!!

But, don't do bad thing.


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