Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lynas to start production in December 2012

Lynas executive chairman Nicholas Curtis told the company’s annual general meeting in Sydney on Tuesday (20/11/2012) that its rare earth processing plant in Gebeng, Kuantan is expected to start production next month. The plant is expected to reach full capacity production by the second half of 2013.

 Toxic discharge from rare earth plant in China

The whole world needs rare earth but no government that care for the people will allow the import of rare earth ore into the country to be processed.

Baotou rare earth plant in China

China has 23% of the world rare earth reserve but is supplying more than 90% of refined rare earth on the global market. Why? It is because the waste produced is very toxic and is radioactive. Countries with rare earth reserves are reluctant to mine and to process rare earth despite of the high price and tight supply of rare earth products in the global market. To refine rare earth ore for another country is definitely a big 'NO' except Malaysia, a laughing stock to the world by now, but the Japanese (the main rare earth user) and the Australian really love the Malaysian Government.

Save Malaysia Stop Lynas (SMSL) Chairman Tan Bun Teet

Knowing very well it is a losing battle right from the beginning but these true Malaysian continue to block the project with all possible means despite of all the threats and harassment. These are the one that really care for you and me, our country, our future and our next generation, and next, and next .......

Himpunan Hijau Chairman Wong Tack

They deserve our respect of the highest level and we should give them our supports in anyway we can. 

The anti Lynas walk from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur has reached its 8th-day. The participants are scheduled to reach Bukit Tinggi today.

They will be at Dataran Merdeka on 25th November and at the Parliament on 26th November.
Big anti Lynas crowd is expected to gather there. Want to join in ? See you there.


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