Thursday, October 18, 2012

A small picturesque town in the Black Forest - Schiltach

Somewhere in the Black Forest

There is a small Kinzig Valley

with a river called Kinzig (of course) with crystal clear water and

Wow !!!! Am I in a story book ?

Schiltach - A small romantic town with half-timber framed houses

It has a 400 year-old town hall 

A river-front hotel with a warm homely ambient that serve 
wonderful breakfast and great foods  

To have dinner by the riverside in a picturesque town, wow!

Don't forget to order the roast pork, it is soooo good

A neo gothic avangelic church

The Schiltach River - oh, that is why the town is called Schiltach
Or is the river get its name from the town ? 
Which one come first ?
It really doesn't matter.


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