Thursday, May 24, 2012

She could be a better President for MCA

Kian Sit Har

Kian defended her participation in Bersih 3.0, pointing out that clean elections and the campaign against Lynas rare earth plant in Kuantan were issues that MCA supported

"Nowadays, we cannot be neutral. We have to choose between right and wrong."

"The party may have its stand, but we must take the side of justice. We cannot just follow faithfully if BN or MCA is doing something wrong."

"After saying that Bersih wanted to topple the government, how can you ask him (Hanif Omar) to be part of the panel?"

"We (at the Bersih rally) never thought of toppling the government during the protest,"

"Malacca chief minister Mohd Ali Rustam asked me to step down. I am a MCA member, what right does the chief minister (from Umno) have to ask me to step down?"

"One thing that happens in Malacca - when the vote is counted and you know who the winner is (going to be), a new ballot box from the police or army will suddenly appear. This is unfair. All the ballot boxes must come out together."

"Whether the opposition or the ruling party, our job (as politicians) is to serve the people," she said.

Finally there are human spoken words from a MCA member.

She should be a better choice than Chua Soi Lek as the MCA President if MCA want to remain relevant to the Malaysian Chinese

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