Friday, February 24, 2012

Anti-Lynas rally. Kuantan. This Sunday 26 February

Balok, 3km from the rare earth plant
Will this waterbody be poluted?

Himpunan Hijau 2.0
26 February 2012
9.30am Start
MPK4 Field, Kuantan

A closer look at Ali, Ah Chong, Subra
and Ahmad from Kuantan 2020

Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) is satisfied that the rare earth plant is safe as the facility has been certified by a registered Engineer. If there is anything wrong, AELB will hold the Engineer responsible.

Just wonder who is that Engineer and what is his discipline, structural? mechanical? electrical? radioactive? industrial process? chemical? many more???? The Board of Engineers and The Institution of Engineers Malaysia may need to look into this engineering piece of work that affects the national environment and safety.

Ideally AELB Headquarters should be shifted to Gebeng, sited next to the Lynas Plant with full staff quarters for the AELB's families.


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