Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tail end of wave 2 - Don't Play Play

I still like to maintain that the current rebound since October is the wave 2 rebound. It is possible that the wave 2 has ended and even if it has not ended, it may drag on for another say about 3 weeks (plus-minus) to complete the sub-wave iii and wave 2 before the wave 3 plunge begins.

Malaysia Boleh

Two months ago on 15th September, 3 anti-corruption officers from MACC were reported to have robbed a moneychanger of US$300,000.00 at KLIA. They were arrested on 17th September after the victim has picked them out during an identification parade. Police had recovered a portion of the missing US$300,000.00.

It was reported yesterday that the Rm 11,700.oo and a wallet belonging to the MACC officers have gone missing from the Selangor Police Headquarters. It can either be "Housebreaking" or "Disposing of Evidence". Since it happened inside the State Police Headquarters, it appeared to me that "Disposing of Evidence" is more likely. This is not the first time that exhibits kept by the police went missing.


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