Sunday, November 6, 2011

Galactic Alignment - Winter Solstice 2012

The Movie 2012 is rather interesting, it talked about the Earth's polar shift and the end of Mayan calendar by 2012. In the last few months, off and on I read articles related to these topics. Some articles are very technical and some have painted a rather scary picture. The following is my understanding of the Mayan Calendar and the galactic alignment on 21st December, 2012's Winter Solstice.

The Mayan Calendar

It was believed that the Mayan Calendar was constructed around 250 - 900 AD. They were highly accurate astronomers that were able to track planetary movement and cycle in the solar system and in the milky way. Based on their observation on the stars, they had developed the 'long Count Calendar' that started on 11th August 3114BC and will end 5126 years later on 21st December, 2012 Winter Solstice. The Mayans predicted an age of enlightenment when the calendar ended. It has been confirmed that on Winter Solstice 2012, a rare astronomical event occurs, Galactic alignment will take place.

For further reading on Mayan Calendar click 'Long Count Calendar'

Galactic Alignment

Our Galaxy, the Milky way

The Milky Way is 100,000 light year across and only 1,000 light year thick as shown below. The center of the Milky Way galaxy is a giant blackhole. Click Galactic Center Blackhole
for more information.

Our solar system with the solar plane, or ecliptic plane is inclined at about 60 degrees to the galactic plane.

The whole solar system that moves within the Milky Way as a single unit, takes about 220 million years to complete a single journey orbit around the center of the galaxy. As the whole solar system travels in orbit around the center of the galaxy, it also bobs up and down of the galactic plane indicated by a galactic equator as shown below.

The whole solar system moves up and down within 500 light years distance above and below the galactic plane or galactic equator. It takes 64 million year to complete a cycle. If my interpretation on what I have read is correct, on the Winter Solstice of 2012, on 21st December, the whole solar system crosses the galactic equator from above the galactic plane to below the galactic plane (a once in 32 million year event, how lucky. Will there be a polar shift ?). On that Winter Solstice, the position of the earth, the sun and the center blackhole of the milky way galaxy will be in one alignment as they cross the galactic equator. Will there be more volcanic activities and abnormal weather as we approach 21st December 2012 ?

May God Bless You. Amen.


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