Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dow - continues with sub-wave iv

Refer to my previous weekend posting, since Dow did not go below the 10719 level, I can put aside possibility 2 and 3 at this moment. Dow continues to complete its sub-wave iv of wave 1 of major wave C of mega wave 6 as shown below.

Mega wave 6 appears to be a 5-3-5 A-B-C corrective wave. Major wave A and B were completed, Dow is currently forming the wave 1 of C.

Dow is currently at sub-wave iv of wave 1 as shown earlier under 'Possibility 1'.

In the following figure, I have superimposed the January 2008 to March 2009 portion of major wave A starting from location after last Friday closing price as my 'Projection' for the rest of major wave C as shown.

Under this 'Projection' with the assumption that the magnitude of major wave C is the same as that of major wave A, the ending point of major wave C is around October/November 2012 with Dow at around 5,200. This is a very very rough picture that I have painted for major wave C, how exactly Dow is going to move until end of 2012, only God can tell. I can only modify and change the chart as Dow reveals its move slowly day by day.

Looking Back

I was going through my old 2009 yesterday and in my 31st January 2009 post, click 'Short term Bearish' to read. I am surprised that I was able to have the following summary for Dow.

1. Dow in sub-wave 5 of Major Wave A. Whole formation can be completed by mid-March 09.
2. Commodity should move higher inline with BDI.
3. Stock accumulation by big boys has started

Not bad.


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