Thursday, July 21, 2011

You wanted RCI, I gave you RCI

Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) - He was driven to suicide by aggressive interrogation

Looking at the way the RCI questioning the MACC officers during the inquiry, the picture was being painted, one would have expected the outcome. If you asked for my opinion, "No, I can't accept the finding". It is only a deduction without illustrating how the suicide was done. Rightfully before one can come to this conclusion, every points raised by Dr. Pornthip must be refuted convincingly beyond any doubt. That was not done.

A way is paved for the Teoh family to sue the MACC, get compensated in many many $$$$$$$ and then close the case. RCI has stated,"TBH was driven to suicide by aggressive interrogation" and Nazri has confirmed, "Action to be taken against the 3 MACC officers who grilled TBH (to death)." But Teoh family might not want to walk this paved way. "See you in High Court" instead.

Looking at the photo, as a layman, I think when one jumped to death, the corpse would not land side-way, unless it was done in John Wu's style.


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