Wednesday, July 27, 2011

21st December, 2012

Add ImageThe winter solstice of 2012 will occur at 11:11 GMT on 21-12-2012, the same day the Long Count Calendar (LCC) (commonly know as the Mayan Calendar) used by the ancient Meso-American peoples such as the Maya, Aztec, Toltec and Olmec will end one great cycle of 13 Baktun (5125.26 years) and starts over again from the beginning of LCC, starting another new 5125.26-year cycle.

On that morning the sun will appear to rise into the patch of sky, refer to as the galactic centre or nuclear bulge. It is the location of the super-massive black hole at the centre of rotation for the Milky Way galaxy. In astronomic terms, the Sun conjuncts the intersection of the Milkyway and the plan of the ecliptic. This rare astronomical event happens only once every 25,800 years. We are in it, lucky or unlucky, just wait and see.

Click Galactic Alignment 2012 for more.

My friend emailed me the following interesting video.

Another 17 months to go.



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