Monday, March 7, 2011

MCA, Gerakan - Finally have something to shout about

They cannot talk about Teoh Beng Hock, they dare not talk about PKFZ, they have no comment on what Malott has said, challenging Ibrahim Ali ? No no no, cannot lah.

Suddenly, PAS provided them with a topic to shout about, 'Gambling Ban'. Gerakan challenged DAP and MCA planned to take PAS to court, they are fighting for my right to gamble.

Wah, wah, wah!!! My right under the Federal Constitution. They are fighting for my right provided for by the Federal Constitution to gamble. How nice, can fight openly now for the so called 'Pendatang' and at the same time make all the Gambling Business 'Taiko' happy for making more money; make LHDN happy for collecting more taxes from the non-muslim; make JPA happy for able to provide more scholarships ..........

That's why I always tell my friends,"Gerakan and MCA are great".

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