Tuesday, February 8, 2011

When will the music stop ?

Dow put on another solid candlestick on Monday.

Sub-wave 5 continues to move higher to form its mini wave vii after completing its mini wave vi at the end of January.

I can't tell for certain that sub-wave 5 will end at mini wave ix. I also can't tell whether wave (iii) will end at wave 5 or it will continue to form wave 6, 7 and 8 and end at wave 9 to complete the major wave B, but I am pretty sure that this is a volatile last journey. It can be very juicy for some penny stocks but make sure that there is a chair when the music stop.

I wouldn't want to talk about buying stocks for longer term investment at this level at this moment, this is possibly the worst time to do that. To move into the market now is more of chasing a moving stock to test your skill, to make some fast money and hopefully there are always some unlucky poor fellows to buy over your stocks at an even higher price before the major wave C's plunge, if you can be that good.

And if you are caught, cut loss and be happy.

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