Saturday, February 12, 2011

Has Singapore STI turned south ?

Mini wave vii is almost there, next pull back will form the mini viii and then the mini wave ix, which provides another possible terminal location for major wave B. Mini wave ix can be completed within February.

Singapore STI

It is possible that Singapore STI has joined Hang Seng and Bombay in heading south. All the three bourses have their respective peaks in November.

Another possible wave count is as shown below.

However if STI is unable to have a strong run up next week, this option can be ruled out especially if STI continues to drop further.

More Comments on Valentine's Day Celebration

Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director-general Datuk Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz said,” Islam would reject anything, even from the Eastern culture, if it contravenes the Islamic teachings,"

"That is why a fatwa (edict) was issued to prevent and advise Muslims not to celebrate Valentine's Day because in reality, as well as historically, the celebration of Valentine's Day is synonymous with vice activities," he said.

To read more, click Malaysia Chronicle.

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