Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ekovest - So it is possibility 1

3 Months ago in September, I have 2 possible outcomes for Ekovest as shown above. By now it is quite clear that possibility No. 1 is the one.

In fact, the moment the price pulled away from the Rm 1.90 level on Monday, it confirmed the 1st possibility.

Currently it is forming the sub-wave iii of wave 3. For 1.618 times the magnitude of wave 1, wave 3 is likely to reach Rm 5.70 level. The only problem is whether Dow can last long enough for Ekovest to reach its target.

The moment the big Mega wave C of Dow starts to form, Ekovest will be dragged down to give the above pattern. Under such condition, the current up-trend is wave 3 of wave B and not wave 3 of mega wave (III).

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