Friday, January 28, 2011

Dow - Last three sessions three 'Dojis'

In the last three trading sessions, Dow closed each session with a Doji as shown below.

A confirmation solid red candlestick can signal the end of mini wave 9 and a high chance that sub-wave 5 has ended. With that, at best Dow goes for sub-wave 6 and the worst case will be the starting of major wave C.

This can be one of the reasons why chewing gum is banned in Singapore

There are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption. Aspartame dissolves into solution and can therefore travel throughout the body and deposit within any tissue.

Lee Kuan Yew

Being a strong believer in genetics, this is what he said recently

The basic assumption here is - everybody is given the same opportunity in education and one will rise or sink to the rightful level on par with one's IQ and EQ. There is no gardener with high IQ that ended up as gardener due to circumstances or lack of opportunity. Meritocracy is being practiced at all levels.

( There are people that classified meritocracy as racial in boleh land and this word is as sensitive as the one up there)

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