Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dow - Closed higher to complete the mini wave v of 9

Dow closed the week with an up-candlestick on Friday to complete the mini wave v of sub-wave 9 of wave 5. S&P and Nasdaq moved in a different direction to close unchanged and lower respectively as their respective wave 5 were completed two days earlier as shown below.

If mega wave B for Dow can be confirmed next week, I will expect the Industrial Index of Bursa Malaysia to follow Dow rather closely in the same direction as shown below.

Tenang By-Election


MCA has no interest on the above

The President's interest and attention is on Normala's hands

"She wears gloves when she shakes hands. If you can accept this kind of Islamic value, go ahead and vote for PAS.”

It would be interesting if Perkasa, Dr. M or that 'Azan volume' demonstration group or that 'cow head' demonstration group can comment on MCA's words.

Click Lakbir Singh of Art Harun. Interesting article.

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