Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rare Earth Elements

Remember the incident between two Japanese patrol boats and a Chinese fishing boat in waters off the Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea. The Chinese boat Captain was held captive by Japan’s Coast Guard but was released immediately when China instituted an export ban on shipments of rare earth oxides to Japan.

What is this rare earth oxides ?

As defined by International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, rare earth elements or rare earth metals are a collection of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table as shown below.

Periodic Table

Early of the week, the U.S. Geological Survey released its 2010 strategic advisory to the US government. The main gist of the whole report was:

Rare Earth Elements are a TOP PRIORITY for national security.

Without reliable source of supply, fighter planes, guided missiles, and radar installations all will be grounded.

Rare earth are required for the production of modern technological devices that include iPods, cell phone, computers, hybrid electric motor (Toyota Prius), optical-fiber, wind power turbine, guided missile, rare earth magnets, cathode-ray tube (TV), microwave resonator ........... and many more.

Looking at the chart below, In year 2000, China has already captured 90% of the rare earth oxides market. It was reported recently that 95% of the world rare earth supply came from China.

I guess this is the strongest weapon China has in any negotiation with Japan or the USA. That is why the Chinese fishing boat captain was released immediately.

Click on Rare Earth Element from Wikipedia for more information.

1 comment:

  1. There may be a plot of alliance of countries to " rob " the rare earth. A repeat of history in different form.
