Thursday, July 15, 2010

Per Capita GDP Ranking

Luxembourg with a population of slightly over half a million (Malaysia 28 million) and a land size of 2,586 sq km (Malaysia 329,845 sq km) ranks No. 1 with per capita GDP of US$105,319.00. Its GDP by sector : agriculture 0.4%, industry 13.6% and Services 86%. Banking and financial services are main contributors to its GDP. There are 152 banks in this small country with over 27,000 employees.

Luxembourg city

Asian country with the highest ranking is Japan on No. 14. Three places behind Japan is Singapore, a country that depended on entrepot as its sole economy in the 1960's. It has overtaken its old master, UK. Simply fantastic.

South Korea moved from No. 79 in 1970, 20 places behind Malaysia 1970's ranking of 59, to No. 27 by 2009.

Where is Malaysia???

Malaysia managed to JUMP 4 places from 59 in 1970 to 54 in 2009 thanks to the oil and gas and oilpalm. You can try to guess Malaysia's ranking without these commodities. We are only 2 places behind Gabon that managed to stay in front of us most likely is because their elephants are bigger and stronger than ours, I started to think like YB and talk like YB but I am not YB.


Malaysia's 55th ranking is based on World Bank's compilation. In IMF's list, Malaysia ranked No. 67 close to Kazakhstan, Mauritius and Oh My God, Botswana!!! that ranked 110 in 1970. Go by the past trend, pretty soon we could drop to 110, where Botswana was in 1970, as others are moving up along a path that is not linear but exponential.

Mauritius that has only beaches and sugar cane and was ranked 99 in 1970 is only one place behind Malaysia in 2009's ranking.

Click on 1970 Per Capital GDP to get 1970 ranking. Courtesy of

Let's Sing Together Now
Where have all the money gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the money gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the money gone?
XXXX have picked them every cent
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

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