Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dow - Enjoy the wave iii before the next bear

The main question now is how high wave iii will go and for how long. There are three possible levels as shown above. A failure wave iii will stop near or below its previous high of about 11,200. Under such circumstances, the bear will appear before September; It may reach its upper trend line at around 12,500 by October; and lastly, it may move toward its October at around 14,000 to for a double tops.

I prefer to monitor along the most pessimistic possibility that it will end around 11,200 until it is proven wrong. As shown above that point of 11,200 can either point B for the case of a major wave 6 OR wave 2 for the case of a mega wave (IV). At the same time it is good to remember the following two charts, in order not to forget that the current rebound is only a short-term rebound.

For mega wave IV, Dow is at the half-way of wave 'a' of mega wave iv as shown above
For major wave 6, Dow is in the process of completing its wave iii of major wave B as shown below before the devastating major wave C started that can bring Dow to 6500 plus-minus

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