Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Brazil 2 - 1 North Korea

This is a match malaysian footballers must watch. After the first half, during the second half, before Maicon of Brazil scored that fantastic goal from an impossible angle on the 55th minute, I was thinking of a possible upset of the world No. 1 by the North Korean that ranked 105 in the world.
Before the game I thought the Korean would pack 10 players infront of their goal mouth for a boring draw. I was terribly wrong, the Korean put up a heroic display of attacking football that brought the game to live.
In the 1970's, Malaysian football was on par with the Korean. In fact our football team had beaten the Korean and qualified for the 1972 Olympic in Munich, once and only once. One or two years ago, when our reporters asked a Korean football coach what was wrong with the Malaysian football, his reply was very courteous,"Your standard did not drop but others have improved greatly".

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