Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gulf of Mexico Oil Rig Explosion

Deepwater Horizon was an ultra-deepwater drilling rig. The rig exploded on 20th April, 2010 with 11 deaths. At the time of the accident, it was working on BP's Mississippi Canyon, Block 252, 50 miles off the coast of Louisiana, USA. The seabed is 5000 feet under water. The oil rig has drilled to a vertical depth of 35,050 feet.

According to reports, the explosion was caused by a deadly bubble of methane that forced its way up the drill column from 30,000 ft beneath the ocean floor. Under high pressure, the gas burst through a series of seals and barriers, expanding rapidly and exploded on reaching atmospheric pressure.

Crude oil is spilling into the ocean at an estimated rate of 200,000 barrels a day. Initially 6 robotic submarines were deployed to stop the leak, they were unable to stop the leakage.

Meanwhile blanket of oil has reached Mississippi rivermouth

Wetland of Louisiana is likely to be destroyed

The current water surface area affected is about 11,000 sq. km.

Dolphins were seen swimming in oily water. Many dolphins, sharks and other marine lives were found dead along coastal zones

On 7th may, a giant 98-ton concrete and steel 'Dome' were lowered 5000 ft down to the ocean floor, with the help of submersible robots, to cap the leaking well. Operation failed due to buoyancy problem.

Meanwhile a relief well is being drilled from another oil rig to intercept the leaking well. It is expected to reach the intercepting point at a depth of 13,000 ft within 2 month to seal the well with cement provided the relief well can accurately intercept the leaking well.

Yesterday, BP has started using "Top Kill" method to block the oil leak. This is the first time this method is being used for underwater operation at a depth of 5000 ft. The Engineers are talking about 60% to 70% probability that it can work. Within the next 48 hours, we will know the result.

The damage to the ecosystem and environment to date is beyond imagination and it will take years to heal.

(Courtesy of AOL News and wikipedia for the photo, facts and figures.)

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