Monday, May 10, 2010

Asian Bourses

Hangshou West Lake

European and American Bourses are rather volatile at the moment due to debts problem in Europe as well as a 'war' between the US Authority and Wall Street over the issue of more regulation on Wall Street. Some believed that the 1000 points intra-day sell-off last Thursday was due to Wall Street's muscle flexing.

Will the investors moving their funds away from Europe and America and put them in Asia?

Shanghai SSEC is about to complete its Major wave (II). Watch out for the major wave (III) run.

Hang Seng Index is at the tail end of its wave C to complete its major wave (IV). I expect Hang Seng to run in tandem with Shanghai.

Japanese Nikkei has just started its mega wave II. It is expected to consolidate for a longer period.

Singapore STI is having the same scenario as Dow. More correction can be expected unless it is forming a diagonal wave (VI), (VII), (VIII) and (IX). A mega wave II scenario for STI and Dow will put them into the same consolidation phase as Nikkei.

Bursa Malaysia Industrial Index is similar to Singapore STI, expecting more correction in the near future unless the major wave (V) goes into extension. A worst case scenario is the mega wave II correction.

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