Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dow - Major wave (V) is heading for 9 sub-waves

It is crystal clear by now that Dow is on its way to form its major wave (V), cannot be anything else. The interesting question now is, "what is the possible wave pattern after (V)".

If major wave (V) has the same duration as that for major wave (I) and if it has only 9 sub-waves, then (V) will end either on second or third week of May.

After major wave (V), on a more pessimistic view, Dow can either form its major wave (VI) and ends its Bear Market Rebound as mentioned previously by Robert Preachter with a major wave (VII) as shown above.
Or Dow can have a Mega wave (I)-(II) as shown above. The interesting question is whether the Mega wave (III) will mark the end of the bear market rebound and go for the "Double Dips" that has been mentioned quite often by some of the economists or it is the dynamic Mega wave (III) of a new bull market.

Nasdaq is currently forming its sub-wave vi.

S&P is similarly forming its sub-wave vi

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