Saturday, April 3, 2010

Alamak, Back to Bolehland from Netherlands

Look at the Dow first, very well behaved. Currently in sub-wave v of wave 1 of major wave (V). Possible target for v is 11300.

Bursa Malaysia Industrial Index is similarly in its major wave (V). It closed at 2733 yesterday, slightly above its January high of 2718.

The Composite Index looks more bullish due to the fact that the current interest is focusing on its component stocks, the big cap blue chip stocks. If its current wave 3 has the same magnitude of wave 1, wave 3 is likely to reach 1400. However if it takes the magnitude of 1.618 of wave 1, then it is likely to reach 1450.

Ok, a little bit on Keukenhof gardens, a place for flower lovers. This year, the garden opening times is from 18th of March to 16th of May, about 9 weeks. Even though Tulip is the main feature but there are many other types of amazingly beautiful spring flowers. To my surprise, there is a hall for orchid, bromelia and anthurium show.

I am not a good photographer, the tulips in my photos are not even half as beautiful as the actual flowers. *#@*SIGH #*@*


  1. Happy to know that you are back ,and thank for sharing with us your beautiful photos.

    BTW, why Alamak ? !!!

  2. Dear Kim Heng'
    there will be more photos from my tour.

    Why Alamak ? Don't pull my leg lah, you know why right?
