Friday, March 5, 2010

Dow - Duration for wave (V)

As long as any pullback does not exceed 3% and the technical indicators remain on the upper half regions, Dow is on course to complete its wave (V). The next question is the duration for wave (V). Since wave (III) is longer than wave (I), it is likely that wave (III) is the extended wave and wave (V) is likely to have a duration that is similar to wave(I). Since wave (I) has a duration of 3 months, lets assumed that wave (V) can last for 3 months starting from February 8 then it will end on second weeks of May 2010. But based on past experience, wave V can end with a euphoric run, a concave parabolic curve or it can have a premature death, a failure V. Unpredictable is the word.

In general, wave V is the distributing phase for the big fish.

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