Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lily Of The Valley

I really love these little white bells, have a nice name too, Lily of the Valley, lovely.

It is the National Flower of Finland. Besides white colour, some are pinkish and some are darker pink.

On 1st of May in France, men usually present a bouquet of this flower to their ladies to express their affection.

This woodland plant is native throughout the whole Northern hemisphere in Asia, Europe and Eastern USA.

This is a perennial plant that forms extensive colonies by spreading underground stems. New upright shoots are formed at the end of each stolons or nodes in Summer. These upright shoots grow in the spring into new leafy shoots with two leaves and a flowering stem.

Flowering in early March, the flower has a sweet scent.

The fruit is a small orange-red berry.

The plant has been used for medicinal purposes. It is believed to strengthen memory and to restore speech. However all parts of the plant are considered poisonous despite its alleged powers.

Courtesy of Wikipedia and Chrisser of from yahoo

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