Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Inch Kenneth and Green Packet

Inch Kenneth gained close to 20% to end the day at 63.5 sen, the surge was supported by a very high volume of 72 millions shares, a typical wave 3 of (III).

Taking March 2009's low of 16 sen as the bottom, its wave count is as shown above. Currently it is at wave 3, the next question is how high this wave 3 can go. If wave 3's magnitude is same as wave 1, 62.5 sen is the figure. The closing price of 63.5 has exceeded that. If Inch Kenneth continues to move up tomorrow, the next target is 1.618X18.5 +44 = 74 sen. If it continues further the next higher target is 2.618X18.5 + 44 = 92.5 sen.

Green Packet is on course to complete its wave 5 of major wave (III). The only question is whether this major wave (III) has 5 waves or 9 waves.

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