Saturday, December 5, 2009

Taipei Taipei

Wow, I love this souvenir that I bought at Danshuei, Taipei. A complete Chinese Zodiac signs for my whole family.

Places of interest. Danshuei, Jiu Fen, National Palace Museum, Taipei 101, Longshan Temple.

Many busy and friendly people

Simple and yet fantastic food. The chilli fried century egg is simply ....... don't know how to describe. The Wantan, fried oyster and clay pot pork leg, wah

Wonderful roadside food-stores

Wah wah wah, my favorite food

Lovely items for sale

Kuala Lumpur has a lot to learn from Taipei. You simply feel safe to walk until late at night in Taipei. The MRT is fast, clean and efficient, waiting time is about 2 minutes. The public toilet, very very clean. Some of them you can even smell the cleanliness. The people are generally friendly and helpful when you approached them for direction or any other thing. I would say Taipei is a wonderful place especially for those who can speak mandarin.

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