Monday, December 28, 2009

In this wonderful land

"If people investigated could not withstand the pressure and jumped from the building, there was nothing that MACC could do". Sound OK to the police.

"Teoh Beng Hock had been cruelly murdered. I want to remind those responsible that we will not forget you because there is no forgiveness for you".

"No one should make unsubstantiated remarks. Lim Guan Eng's remark can be considered to be an incitement, causing the public to believe that Teoh Beng Hock had been murdered". The police have initiated a sedition investigation against Lim Guan Eng.

Calling for the Police to stop its sedition investigation on Lim Guan Eng immediately. He described the move as being politically motivated.

"I wish to stress that the Honourable Member should not try to intimidate us". He said Ean Yong would be called up soon to have his statement recorded.

The Star Online Today:
1) Policeman's sons arrested over armed robberies.
2) Four soldiers charged with raping underaged girl.

The Star Online a few days ago:

Royal Malaysia Air Force fighter Rm50 millions jets engines were stolen

Wah!!! All the 'Men in Uniform' !!! Wah !!! No Comment.

"Malaysia Boleh"

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