Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Two videos to be removed from the website

12 Malaysiakini staff were being questioned by officers from Multimedia Commission when they refused to remove two videos from their website. One of the videos is the 'Section 23 demonstration' and surprisingly the other one is the 'Home Minister's press conference'.

These two videos were deemed offensive and provocative. "These videos contain offensive contents with the intent to annoy any person, especially Indians". However it is interesting to read the comments posted to assess which group of people is actually annoyed by these videos. One group of peoples were annoyed by the videos but not the events but another group were annoyed by the events but not the videos. So the Indian belongs to which group?

It is also rather ridiculous to classify a video recording of the Home Minister's press conference as offensive and provocative if what the minister has said during the press conference were not considered as offensive and provocative.

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