Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mooncake Festival

One of my favorite festival, the Mooncake Festival is around the corner. Mooncake Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar or lunar calendar. This year it falls on the 3rd of October (Saturday).

The sad thing is, this festival now is not like what it used to be when I was a small kid in the 1950's. In those days as night fell, you could see colorful lanterns with different shapes and patterns everywhere.

my late grandmother would play with us and we enjoyed under the moon, on a small table, our dishes of mooncakes, fruits, sweets, fried yam, fried sweet potatoes ........Those were the days.

Since then, year in, year out, I have my paper lanterns lighted and I have my mooncakes and chinese tea under the moon except when it rained.

My children too have been enjoying the lanterns and the mooncakes all these years and they loved the little piggy very much.

I hope they can carry on this tradition. I think they will.

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