Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kurnia Asia

Kurnia Asia is very well behaved. It is currently in wave 3 of major (III).

Has wave 3 reached its targeted price?

Based on Fibonacci Ratio 1.618 times of wave 1 (take the b wave figure), the target is 71 sen. It stock price closed at 73.5 sen yesterday and it has completed 5 sub-waves i-ii-iii-iv-v. If there is no extension, 73.5 sen is the wave 3. However, if there is extension waves of vi-vii-viii and ix and using Fibonacci Ratio of 2.618, wave 3 is likely to end at 93 sen.

Looking at the divergence between the stock price and volume movements, it is likely that 73.5 sen is the end of wave 3. However, anything can happen in stock movement. It may be safer to hold the stock until somewhere before the end of its major wave (V), unless a person wants to test his trading skill

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