Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bolehland - Anything illegal is possible

Cattle farms near the landfill site

Tonnes of garbage and water filling up the cattle farms

Hard to imagine that an illegal landfill on a 20 acres site can be allowed to operate for 5 years with solid waste building up to a height of 300 ft. It is funny that the authorities could only issue warnings, notices and compounds but were helpless in stopping their own contractors to dump the garbage illegally. On one hand they paid the contractors for their services on garbage collection and on the other hand issued summonses to these contractors for illegal dumping, and these things could go on for 5 years despite numerous complaints from the residents to the authorities. DOE has been very quiet in this issue, most likely because they were not even aware of the pollution problems created by the landfill.

And these jokers are going to use tax payer's money for removing these garbage to another proper landfill site and possibly to pay a specialist firm to rehabilitate these 20 acres of private land that belongs to Don't Know who. Rightfully they should get the contractors and the land owners to remove the garbage and to rehabilitate the site to DOE's requirement at their own cost.

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