Friday, August 14, 2009

Pathologist Dr. Khairul Azman Ibrahim's "suicide theory"

Pathologist Dr. Azman who conducted the post mortem on Teoh's body said that Teoh could have committed suicide based on the followings:
1) Injuries sustained showed no struggle.
2) Tests showed no alcohol and drugs
3) DNA of all witnesses did not match the DNA of "unknown male" found on Teoh's blazer and belt
4) Examination at the scene.

Dr's Theory and explanations were very very sound and good.

Unknown male DNA - "DNA contamination may have occurred when we placed him on the autopsy table.
Drag marks on the right shoe - " landing on his right foot from the fall"
No struggle - "MACC's pen in his shirt pocket would have flung off if there was a struggle"
The lose left shoe found beside the body - "Left shoe could have come off during impact"
Distance between left shoe and body - " I didn't measure, I did not have a measuring tap."
Did not test the left shoe for fingerprints - "The laboratory did not have the facilities." "thought the police would have done it."
Why he did not direct the police to conduct the test - "I forgot."
Dr's theory - "He climbed out of the window before falling to his death."
Why no foot prints or hand prints on the window frame - "The prints may be there. I looked but I didn't see any."
If Teoh had jumped, his body would be found near the wall - "I agree"
But the body was quite a distance from the wall - " I did'nt measure, I did not have a measuring tape."

1 comment:

  1. Aiyo, this is a very stupid doctor, which is a product of UKM. I heard he got a Grade 2 or 3 in his MCE. Lousy student, but given that we need more doctors, he was allowed into UKM with a diploma.
