Thursday, August 6, 2009

So Funny

Someone has written a 'famous' article two days ago in Utusan Malaysia that touched on races. Our DPM said "it is the media's right to do so"

In September 2008, Tan Hoon Cheng, a reporter, was arrested under ISA for her report on a racist remark made by an UMNO division chairman. The one who made the remark was not arrested but the reporter that reported the remark was arrested. However Hoon Cheng was released in less than 24 hours due to huge public outcry.

"Tan was arrested because her safety was under threat" Hehehe so funny.

The Star reported today "MACC Chief gets death threat over Teoh's case". Better quickly arrest him under ISA for his safety.

1 comment:

  1. Funny ! Funny !

    When more than ten thousand people gathered at Kuala Lumpur on the 1 Aug. 2009 , the traders there instead of having more business ended up with losses.

    Why these more than ten thousand people didn't not spend their money in K.L after spending money and time to get there from all over the country ?

    Don't tell me all these people carried their own food and drink ? The food and drink in K.L. can not be that bad lah !!!

    Don't tell me all these people were not interested in shopping ?
