Friday, August 21, 2009

Malaysia National Day Celebration

All these years in Kuala Lumpur we have our Malaysia National Day Celebration on 31st August. Last year we celebrated the 51st year of independence and this year the 52nd year. I don't feel anything wrong until I met my friends from Sabah. So, what's wrong with the celebration?

"My friend, 31st August 1957 was the day the multi-racial Federation of Malaya gained its independence from the British. At that time Sabah and Sarawak remained as British's territories in North Borneo until 16th September 1963, we, together with Singapore, were granted independence and formed Malaysia. So, you see, rightfully we, Malaysian, should celebrate our 46th year of independence on 16th September this year, which is not even a public holiday for West Malaysia and Sarawak. In Sabah, every year on 16th September we celebrate Malaysia day and Birthday of Sabah State Governor alone. "

I have nothing to say, he is right. This year 31st August is the 52nd year of independence for Federation of Malaya and 16th September is the 46th year of independence for Malaysia.

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