Monday, May 18, 2009

'Char Siew Pau'

This is something from my daughter, some of you might have heard this before.

These are 'Char Siew Pau'

And these are 'Man Tau'
Question No 1 : 'Char Siew Pau' and 'Man Tau' went for movie, a sad movie. 'Char Siew Pau' cried and cried and cried but 'Man Tau' didn't, why?
Answer : 'Char Siew Pau' has filling (feeling), 'Man Tau' doesn't have filling.
Haha 'Mo Liew'
OK, next question most people can answer
Question No. 2 : 'Char Siew Pau' and 'Tai Pau' went for the same movie. 'Char Siew Pau' cried and cried, 'Tai Pau' cried louder, why?
Answer : 'Tai Pau' has more filling.
Question No. 3 : 'Char Siew Pau' and 'Tau Sar Pau' went for the same movie, 'Char Siew Pau' cried and cried, 'Tau Sar Pau' hugged 'Char Siew Pau' and consoled 'Char Siew Pau', why?
Answer : 'Tau Sar Pau' is sweet.
Next question many people can not answer.
Question No. 4 : This time 'Char Siew Pau' went to the same movie alone, 'Char Siew Pau' didn't cry, why?
Answer : This is the fourth time 'Char Siew Pau' watched the same movie. The filling has no more feeling.

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