Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Words of Advice

Going through my old paper cuttings last night, I discovered this long forgotten piece of paper that I have cut from somewhere. I don't know the name of this person but his words of advice are definately an accumulation of his experience through his many years of involvement in stock market. One may or may not totally agree with what he said but it is safe to remember some of the things that he has said.

a rapeseed field in China

"Value for money you must insist
Buying in a downtrend you must resist
The trend is your friend
Follow it to the very end.
Holding on to a falling stock is unwise
Cut your losses quickly is advised
Never kill the golden goose when you have one
Never sell prematurely, let it runs for once
Undervalued unpopular stock is never a fancy
Glamour stock is the choice normally
Join the crowd; enjoy the ride, if you wish
Be careful though, lest you fall out and vanish
The market is most tempting at the top
Lock in your profit before volume has a good drop
Sell your stock when you love them most
Take your money and let the deal be closed
But when volume traded is at its lowest
The market will then be at its dullest
Investors should buy low and sell high
Traders should buy high and sell higher
Someday you will know what I mean
By then, you are a stock market dean."

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